An Interview with Tatjana Rebelle

Maryann Opoku is a Sophomore at Brownsburg High School.

Tatjana Rebelle is a writer, parent, activist, and much more. They are dedicated to social justice along with environmental advocacy. As Earth Charter Indiana’s Director of Engagement as well as the recipient of the 2024 Best of Green Schools Ambassador, Rebelle has played a strong role in leading initiatives. With over a decade of activism experience, they continue to fight for justice in Indiana specifically the Indianapolis area. I had the pleasure to interview them, to discuss their journey, insights, and plans for a more sustainable future. [Note, Rebelle is Director of Engagement for Earth Charter Indiana, the parent organization for YEPT.]

Opoku: I know you are very involved in activism, what made you drawn to environmental activism specifically or inspired you to focus on it?

Rebelle: I have spent the last decade focusing on social justice issues and shifted to environmental activism because I realized that it is a space where social justice converges. When you think of who is impacted by climate issues the most it is poor and/or BIPOC communities. Also I'm a parent and youth worker, aside from gun violence environmental justice is one of the leading issues youth are speaking out about. I believe it is my duty to ensure I support young people in getting the future they deserve.

Opoku: What do you think are some of biggest challenges schools encounter when implementing sustainability initiatives?

Rebelle: I am in charge of our school grants program, the Indiana Thriving Schools Challenge. It's a grants program to support project based learning around sustainability. The biggest challenge I've seen is getting the students and educators the support they need on a systemic level. Oftentimes it's one teacher and a small group of students that are wanting to create change within their schools. If the teacher leaves or the students graduate there isn't always someone there to take the projects over. We have been able to see what happens when the entire school gets behind a project and it's when sustainability becomes a part of the culture of the school, it's the most successful. Unfortunately, a lot of times our role is to help get the school administration on board and the guardians involved so the projects can live on outside of the first year of implementation.

Indian Creek Elementary is one of many recipients of the Indiana Thriving Schools Challenge grant program to start school gardens.

Opoku:  What advice do you have for those schools looking to start their sustainability journey?

Rebelle: It is really important to get buy-in from the staff and administration. If you want to start food rescue in the cafeteria, you really should talk to the cafeteria staff to see what they need to make it possible. If you want to start a recycling program, talk to your custodian staff. We all have great intentions and we can't forget that sometimes what we want will potentially create more work for someone. When you include them in the planning and do so from a space of wanting to not just save the planet but help the people doing the work, your project will be successful. I also think it's important to not be afraid to start small. We often get overwhelmed when looking at the big picture and don't begin where we're at. Trying a project out in one classroom will show others it can be done. That can grow into something that happens throughout the school and inspire an entire district. Just start and watch it grow.

Opoku: How are the schools doing after working with them? Are there any notable improvements?

Rebelle: We have success stories all over the state and I'm just so proud of what our schools have been able to do. Victory College Prep has been able to build a garden space that has fully become a part of the school's culture. I've been able to have high school interns that still fondly remember the garden space from when they were a part of it in middle school.

Lakeside Elementary was able to win their division at the Eco Science Challenge, a statewide event at the Indiana State Museum. We have schools donating hundreds of pounds of food to a local pantry from their food rescue programs. Honestly, though for me it's not just the amount of pounds diverted from a landfill or state wide accolades that make this program and schools a success. It's that every student that participates is able to feel a part of a solution and a part of something bigger than them. Everyone deserves a win and taking on sustainability projects at school is a great way to get that.

A participant in the annual Eco Science Challenge at Indiana State Museum.

Opoku: As a person who works in schools, what role do you believe youth play in the green movement?

Rebelle: One of the reasons I'm so grateful to be at an organization like Earth Charter Indiana, is that we truly believe that our youth are true leaders. The green movement is about creating a future for all. You plant a fruit tree not so you can reap the benefits but so those after you can. I think youth are at the forefront of seeing and advocating for the future they want. I think the role we all play is to speak up and do what we feel is right. We all have a role and a gift. We believe that to our core. If you're a writer, then write about the environment. If you love policy, get your student body government to advocate for a climate action plan. If you're an athlete, talk to your coaches about sustainable transportation practices. If you're looking for community, join your green team or start a school garden. It's going to take all of us and I think the youth voice is the one we all should follow.

Opoku: How can everyday individuals and organizations support the green schools movement in their communities or on a bigger scale ?

Rebelle: One thing I know to my core is that our schools need support. Our educators are at capacity and facing new issues everyday. So volunteering and/or offering your skills would be a huge step. School gardens often are left unattended in the summer, so see if you and others can go in to help with weeding and harvesting. I also think if local businesses decided to get involved in supporting schools, we'd get so much farther than we are now. They could sponsor events and ensure they're sustainable. They can offer HVAC cleaning for free or help pay to fix hand dryers. I may be biased but I think we can make schools community hubs and at the core of that is to be present to help. Building relationships is crucial for building a movement and we all are capable of working together to create the change we want to see in the world.

Opoku: Do you have any future plans as an environmental activist?

Rebelle: That is such a great question. As an activist you're oftentimes faced with the worst aspects of humanity. We are constantly bombarded by what feels like bad news or the problems seem too big to tackle. I have really been trying to focus on the joy and beauty in the world.

Environmental activism isn't just about saving the planet, it's about saving us. Community is the most important thing and my plans will be to truly build on my community. Spend time growing food. Spend time in nature spaces. Continue to support youth and schools in creating change. My plans are to just keep going and believe that what we're all doing does actually matter. There are going to be roadblocks and days that feel like nothing is going right, but there also are going to be victories and detours with beautiful outcomes. That's what I want to focus on.


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